

Page history last edited by maymay 12 years, 5 months ago Saved with comment



KinkForAll Las Cruces description goes here. Some extra details about the time and place should also go here.


Getting involved in KinkForAll Las Cruces is as easy as:


  1. signing up in the table below,
  2. reaching out to your friends and allies in other communities and telling them about KinkForAllLocation,
  3. showing up!


Read through WhatToExpect to learn more about what a KinkForAll event is like, or watch some videos from past events!


KinkForAllLocation — Pre-registration Signup


To participate, press the "Edit" link at the top of this page and add your name as a new row to this table. (If a blank row is not available, place your cursor in the bottom-right most cell and press TAB. Watch a 2 minute video tutorial.) When you're done, be certain to join the mailing list and introduce yourself.


No. Name (or Pseudonym) Homepage/URL Email Participation (Unorganize, Attend, Present, Help Out?) Presentation Topic/Interests (get inspired!)
1. Your name goes here. http://example.com/ you@example.com Choose one or more of: Unorganize, attend, present, help out Your presentation topic goes here.

-- Add your name above this line. --


Additional (optional) places to make your interest known


Invite your friends from across the Internet on any of these additional event pages. Creating an event listing? Please make sure it links back to this page!


  • Replace this list with a list of links to other places where this event is posted, if any.


Needs list


Support equipment is still in the process of being organized. Currently, we have need (or want) of the items on the following list. If you are already planning to bring things please list them on the KinkForAllLasCrucesInventory page.


  • Replace this with a list of items that would be helpful to have at your event.


Location and Directions


Paragraph reiterating the location of the venue for your event, and optionally some details about the venue.


Be certain to describe public transit options for arriving and navigating throughout the venue and surrounding area. Also be certain to provide driving directions that are clear and succinct. Optionally, link to online services that provide such directions.


Map of the area


Embed a map of the area. It can be a static image or a dynamic map such as an embedded Google Map or Yahoo! Map.

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