

Page history last edited by A 1 year, 10 months ago


Thank you and followups!


KinkForAll San Francisco 2 was great and now is over! Many thanks to Noisebridge and to everyone who unorganized, presented, attended, or participated in any way. This page and its related pages will continue to evolve. Some things to do now are:


  • Upload your photos, slideshows, videos, and other media to the Internet, and write blog posts (don't forget to tag all of these with both KinkForAll and KFASF2).
  • View the event's resulting schedule grid and use it to browse through the available media from the presentations you may have missed.


About KinkForAll San Francisco 2


KinkForAll San Francisco 2 is happening at Noisebridge on Saturday, June 16th, from 10 AM to 5 PM.  (Watch a recording of the livestream.)


KFASF2 is a chance not just for KinkForAll to return to San Francisco, but also a chance for us to return to KinkForAll’s roots in free software, ad-hoc movements such as BarCamp from which the structure of KinkForAll was taken.  This is a space for participants to explore ideas of self-empowerment, try out new presentation styles, and engage in community organizing as well as an opportunity for cross-pollination with hacker, maker, and open-source communities.  That's why it's beyond exciting for KinkForAllSanFrancisco2 to be hosted at Noisebridge, a groovy, all-ages, member and donation supported hacker space in San Francisco’s Mission district.


Getting involved in KinkForAll San Francisco 2 is as easy as:


  1. signing up in the table below,
  2. reaching out to your friends and allies in other communities, and telling them about KinkForAllSanFrancisco2, and optionally following @KFASF on Twitter, subscribing to our mailing list, joining the KinkForAll Facebook group,
  3. showing up!


Read through WhatToExpect to learn more about what a KinkForAll event is like, or watch some videos from past events!


KinkForAllSanFrancisco2 — Pre-registration Signup


To participate, press the "Edit" link at the top of this page and add your name as a new row to this table. (If a blank row is not available, place your cursor in the bottom-right most cell and press TAB. Watch a 2 minute video tutorial.) When you're done, be certain to join the mailing list and introduce yourself.


No. Name (or Pseudonym) Homepage/URL Email Participation (Unorganize, Attend, Present, Help Out?) Presentation Topic/Interests (get inspired!)
1. Alisa     Unorganize, attend, present, help out Intentional community building OR Peer-to-Peer learning; deconstructing system through information access OR Learning to See; how what we don't see impacts our behavior, communities and spaces
Jake   jake@jakemates.com  Attend, help out  
3.  James    voyager640 (at) gmail.com  Attend, promote 

open space technology (OST) and kink,

leather spirituality,

nonviolence and intimacy in Dom/sub relationships


4.  maymay  maybemaimed.com/cv bitetheappleback@gmail.com  Yes ;) "Defying Dunbar: Engaging Humans as a Social Cyborg," OR  "The Cake Is Not A Lie; The Closet Is," OR "Threads of Attraction: Valuating Relationships," OR "Tools for Technomads: Using Cyberspace to Subvert Meatspace," OR "Disparity of Opportunity: Isolation Unpanel" OR whatever else we feel like talking about that day.
5.  David Jay    davidgljay@gmail.com  Possibly present, depends on timeline 

Asexuality and Kink 

Rebecca Crane
Attend, Present, Provide moral support, Wrangle others attending from out of town
Probably something on "metamour" relationships, custom relationship design, impacts of relationship illegibility, or something else. Who knows what I'll be thinking about by the time June rolls around? ;-)
7.  Jonathan Mayer    jonathan.mayer@gmail.com 

Attend, Present, help out  "Workshop: Communication", "Workshop: Effective Online Dating for Fun and Profit", or maybe something else entirely. 
Nikola Capp
Attend, help out, coordinate local logistics, present

Mediated conversation on how to make safer space for kinky youth in communities, Something on body wellness and basic yoga and stretches, Mental Health issues in kinky relationships, mebbe something on cycles of abuse and trauma and breaking them.

  attend, help out, present, local logistics (I live right by venue)
disability & sexuality, kink in fandom
10.  Eve Minax  www.eveminax.com  eve@eveminax.com  Attend, Present 

I am interested in presenting but I am not sure if I can lock in the date just yet. Please contact me

if you require further information at this time.

11. Erica
Attend, Present
"Exercises in Saying No"
12. Shira B. Katz  www.pedestrianpolyamory.com  shira@pedestrianpolyamory.com  Attend, Present  Oral Barriers and Non-Monogamy 
13. Chris Joyrider
Attend, Present, Help Out
Consent (roleplay/workshop), Hosting inclusive public/private parties (discussion/round table)
14. Susan Werner
Attend, Present, Help Out
"Communities Built on Exclusion"


www.sfsi.org  roxane@sfsi.org  Attend, Present, answer sex questions 

"San Francisco Sex Information and how you can

have all your questions answered."

16. Parks Dunlap  http://parksdunlap.wordpress.com  apdunlap@smith.edu  Attend, Present, Help Out, Answer Questions  Facilitated discussion about the intersections of trauma and kink (focused on being survivor supportive and trauma aware) 
17. Rebecca 
Attend, help out, present
facilitated discussion on themes of D/s. Let's talk about power dynamics in relationships
18. Jason
attend, help out, present
computer-mediated relationships

-- Add your name above this line. --


Additional (optional) places to make your interest known


Invite your friends from across the Internet on any of these additional event pages. Creating an event listing? Please make sure it links back to this page!



Needs list


Support equipment is still in the process of being organized. Currently, we have need (or want) of the items on the following list. If you are already planning to bring things please list them on the KinkForAllSanFrancisco2Inventory page.


  • Large paper/flip chart
  • post-it notes
  • masking tape
  • Sharpies/markers
  • Extra projector (we have one as of now)
  • coffee
  • snacks


Location and Directions


Noisebridge, 2169 Mission St, San Francisco CA.  Third floor (elevator available).




Noisebridge is supported by its members, but also largely through donations.  It costs approximately $165/day to keep the doors open. If you're able, please show them some love for providing space to KinkForAll by making a donation.


Map of the area


View Larger Map


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