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Page history
last edited
by crow 12 years ago
Thank you and followups!
KinkForAll Denver was fantastic and is now over. Nevertheless, this page and its related pages will continue to evolve!
The event was a wonderful success! The headcount during closing essential communications (the last session of the day) was 47 people, and we estimate that there were somewhere along the lines of 100 participants at some points during the day, with over 40 sessions throughout the day! Although the event itself is over, this is just the beginning. Some things to do now are:
KinkForAllDenver - Feb 25th
On Sat, Feb 25th from 10a - 5p, converge on the Tivoli's Baerresen Ballrooms to talk about sexuality, gender, relationships, and anything & everything to do with them! KinkForAll Denver is free, all-ages, locally organized and open to the public. We'll be teaching each other, sharing resources, making connections, and exchanging ideas about the many intersections between sexuality and the rest of life. Join us!
There are no spectators, only participants. KinkForAll Denver is about you, your communities, and what you have to say. Come with a 20 minute presentation, workshop, skillshare, discussion topic, or another idea you want to share OR come lend a hand with timekeeping, greeting, video recording, translation, interpreting, childcare, clean-up, etc. Bring artwork. Bring 'zines. Bring info about your organization. Everyone's contribution is important. Help us create an amazing, fun, fast-paced, collaborative space!
Getting involved in KinkForAllDenver is as easy as:
- signing up in the table below,
- reaching out to your friends and allies in other communities and telling them about KinkForAllDenver,
- showing up!
Follow along on our Twitter stream or Facebook page. Read through WhatToExpect to learn more about what a KinkForAll event is like, or watch some videos from past events!
KinkForAllDenver — Pre-registration Signup
To participate, press the "Edit" link at the top of this page and add your name as a new row to this table. (If a blank row is not available, place your cursor in the bottom-right most cell and press TAB. Watch a 2 minute video tutorial.) When you're done, be certain to join the mailing list and introduce yourself. Can't think of something that interests you? Have a look at what other KFADEN Topic Ideas people have been brainstorming about.
No. | Name (or Pseudonym) | Homepage/URL | Email | Participation (Unorganize, Attend, Present, Help Out?) | Presentation Topic/Interests (get inspired!) |
1. |
www.twitter.com/wanderingpirate |
rebeccacrane at gmail dot com |
Unorganize! Probably present. Definitely attend.
Roundtable discussions: Talking to/with children about gender; Similarities, Differences, Intersections between Trans and Fat Experiences of Body Policing; Metamour Geometry OR Rebecca's Crackpot Theories About Relationships, The Universe and Everything
www.twitter.com/drtangential |
dakota.raynes@gmail.com |
unorganize, present, and attend
DIY packers/toys? trans/cis relationship dynamics? power exchange with therapeutic intent? writing/performing erotica?
3. |
Laura |
laurmurr@gmail.com |
unorganize, maybe present, attend |
being an "askable adult": having sex-positive, age-appropriate conversations with children & youth |
4. |
Savy |
http://savysgrrl.wordpress.com/ |
savy.chan@gmail.com |
unorganize, graphic design, present, attend |
unorganize, attend and present (if available)
sex workers' rights
trans sexuality
ken.boulder.co at gmail dot com
unorganize (tech), attend and present (maybe?)
7. |
Ben |
benjamin.a.kowalski at gmail |
unorganize, attend, maybe present |
8. |
maymay |
maybemaimed.com |
bitetheappleback@gmail.com |
participate (ad-hoc media recording), maybe present |
personal community mapping, "threads of attraction" relationship modeling, relationships as drag, TCP/IP as a framework for understanding consent, "The Useful 'Safe Space' Self-Deception' (See expanded blurbs.) |
9. |
Siren |
sirensage@gmail.com |
unorganize (childcare), attend presentations, possibly present |
navigating relationships (sexual and non-sexual) as gender-fluid/genderqueer/non-binary gendered folks, privacy around sex especially in terms of children |
10. |
Evey |
eveybird.com |
voyeurondisplay@gmail.com |
Help out, attend, maybe present? |
Intersections of Kink, Sexuality, Community and Mental Health: A Discussion, Rape Fantasies: Q & A for the Curious |
11. |
Isaac |
i.w.fluss@gmail.com |
Attend, maybe present |
Kink and Spirituality: When Worship Becomes Intimacy, Sensual Dominance: Exploring the Prejudice in Education, Designer Flesh: Body Mod as Beauty |
Dr. X. Treme
physics of sex toys
Heather Daisy |
present |
flirting, communication & kink
14. |
Alisa |
kinkinexile.wordpress.com |
Present, stand by with duct tape and WD-40 day of for all last minute emergencies |
Human-centered design tools for creating better community (and BDSM) experiences; What I learned from the 1% (learning from the "other"); Holding space, a personal/emotional reaction to sexism and prescriptive roles in the BDSM scene. |
15. |
Hopefully attend, and feel free to ask me for help or assistance once I am there.
Personal community mapping, relationships as drag, and I don't really understand TCP/IP as a framework for understanding consent, but maybe I should know more about it. Also how do you learn techniques from others and still draw the line of boundaries? And how do you navigate a relationship in order to find win-win-win (win) outcomes in a multifacet relationship?
16. |
Jeff Jizz |
Hit me up on Fetlife under same name. Avoiding spam bots. |
present, possibly video |
Exclusion with Intent - Leveraging our "safe" spaces to change kink culture. |
17. |
Ann Thurium
p r a x i s t h e z i n e { a t } g m a i l { d o t } c o m
Attend. Do random last minute tasks other people don't want to do.
18. |
v i o l e t { a t } q u e e r l y a m o r o u s { d o t } o r g
19. |
Rachel |
http://dirty-words-blog.blogspot.com |
carlisleorama@gmail.com |
attend, unorganize, present, advertise |
The STI Talk for Sluts; From a Promiscuous, Polyamorous, High Risk Tolerance Slut
20. |
sun _ n _ joy (at) yahoo(dot)com
attend, present, get the word out
A conversation on the 12 sexual styles (based on the signs of the zodiac)
21. |
Beth |
beth at s c a n l i m e dot org |
attend, maybe present? Help out somehow? |
22. |
attend, present, help out
Somatic Experience of Boundaries guided visualization
23. |
Bella Rosa
mystryloca at gmail . com
unorganize, present at a future date
(possible topics for presenting--these are not titles though. all of these are interests) Conflict Resolution for Multiple Methods of Loving, the politics of slut-shaming culture, the impact of the Sexual Freedom Movement on racial and ethnic minority communities (and vice versa), Healing through the Sacred Whore/Prostitute Archetype, creating culture, responding sufficiently to sex offenders within our environment, the experience of recovery after being outed.
http://sabletwilight.wordpress.com/ http://sable-twilight.livejournal.com/
possible attend, possible present
Deconstructing the Gender Spectrum Use of Subtle Energy Play in Sex (re)claiming sissy
25. |
asahenderson at gmail
present, possibly help out, maybe videotape
Gender and Spirituality through the lens of Tarot
26. |
liberleichda at gmail
unorganize, attend, present, info meeting(s), enthusiasm
Bikesexuality, bike smut, and self-sufficient transportation meets sexual and physical health
Possible discussion on bike-inspired sex toys...
27. |
barely.evil9 at gmail
attend, help out, willing to present.
Kink and mental health, psychology of the shadow, sex and spirit
28. |
Melissa & Peter |
attend, maybe help with packout/tear down |
29. |
Erica, Justin 7 Kate
attend, present
Historical context of house music/ disco through the lens of queer culture & the city. Discuss local musical events that bridge these interests.
30. |
Israel Rose Oka |
facebook.com/israelroseoka |
asxitxgrows@hotmail.com |
Attend & Present |
Being Your Own Boss: Discussion/Q&A with International Escort Award Winner & Queer Event Organizer Israel Rose Oka |
31. |
The Bard in Green |
the bard in green (at) gmail |
Attend and present |
Ancient origins of sex negativity in modern culture (was originally Sexuality in Pre-Christian Cultures). |
32. |
Crow |
AMurderofCrows on fet |
attend maybe present |
S/m without D/s how to deal with scenes going bad
33. |
Mabel Darling |
l1nguisticness on FL |
l i n g u i s t i c n e s s a t g m a i l |
attend/maybe present |
Not Yr Cister's Squirting 101 (no relation to the distro/press)
34. |
Moyra |
attend and maybe present |
BDSM or domestic abuse? Theraputic power exchange. |
35. |
-- Add your name above this line. --
Additional (optional) places to make your interest known
Invite your friends from across the Internet on any of these additional event pages. Creating an event listing? Please make sure it links back to this page!
Needs list
Support equipment is still in the process of being organized. Currently, we have need (or want) of the items on the following list. If you are already planning to bring things please list them on the KinkForAllDenverInventory page.
- Video recording and broadcast equipment (camcorders, laptops with webcams & mics, or equivalent)
- White boards and dry-erase markers
Location and Directions
KinkForAll Denver will take place Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM in the Baerresen Ballroom of the Tivoli Student Union (900 Auraria Parkway, Denver, CO, 80204)
Map of the area
View Larger Map
This event would not be possible without contributions from participants like you. There are a number of ways you can contribute—only one of them is financial. If you can make or bring any of the things on the needs list, please do so! If you can't but still want to help out, then please consider offering a monetary donation in the amount of your choosing by clicking the "Donate" button, below. We need to raise as much as we can, and whatever you can contribute towards that goal goes a very long way!
Your donation is being routed directly to an unorganizer of this event and will be used for the event itself (see our budget), its promotion, or the promotion of KinkForAll only.
Individual donors choose to contribute their time, money, efforts and/or assistance as a means of expressing their support for the ideals and goals of KinkForAll. To view a current list of individual financial donations so far, see the KinkForAll Denver financials Funding sheet.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (3)
maymay said
at 12:48 pm on Feb 1, 2012
I'm really looking forward to KinkForAll Denver because these topics sound like they have sooo much potential to spark really interesting conversations! I'm particularly excited about Eveybird's "Sexuality and Mental Health" idea, as well as Isaac's "Designer Flesh" topic. Also, I'm curious about Isaac's "non-sensual sadism vs sensual dominance" idea because I can't tell what that's supposed to be, and it seems like it can go in a number of different directions. If you're reading, Isaac, would you be willing to tell us more about what you're thinking along those lines? :) Interested minds want to know!
Isaac said
at 2:09 pm on Feb 1, 2012
In the spirit of more effective communication, and thanks the group discussion, I renamed the idea; Sensual Dominance: Exploring the Prejudice in Education.
Originally it related to the idea of having the concept of the loving, caring, sexually dominant who is invariably male and his alter ego the strict, merciless disciplinarian who is sadistic, with no room for those who engage otherwise. It leaves little room for those of us who experience power exchanges more fluidly, or who play outside that very small but very visible box, and that very thinking ends up relegating women to either sex object and "toys" or sex workers for men who are too weak/afraid/etc to embace the "loving dominant" within them. Much of this expression is one of conditioning and is reinforced through language and word choice. A different way of thinking of it is that early experiences with sexual relationships involving power exchange are through books which put the reader through the male gaze, and so they adopt this practice as the "normal thing to do".
maymay said
at 6:24 pm on Feb 1, 2012
Oh that sounds FASCINATING. Thanks for expanding on this, Isaac. :)
For those who are curious, I think the group discussion referenced in Isaac's comment, above, is referring to this: https://groups.google.com/group/kinkforall/browse_thread/thread/71290eb929264fb3
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