Thank you and followups!
KinkForAll San Francisco is over, but this page and its related pages will continue to evolve.
Although the unconference itself is now over, this is just the beginning. Some things to do now are:
KinkForAll San Francisco is a 100% free, informal conference about the intersections of sexuality with the rest of life featuring discussions and presentations created by you, the participants! Imagine what would be possible if you combined TED Talks with BarCamp. Welcome to KinkForAll!
KinkForAll San Francisco will be held on March 21st from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Women's Building at 3543 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 (in the Mission).
Getting involved in KinkForAll San Francisco is as easy as:
- signing up in the table below (this lets you participate in early conversation about possible discussion topics and other preparation),
- reaching out to your friends and allies in other communities and telling them about KinkForAll San Francisco (here's a flyer we made; post it in your favorite café to invite your neighbors! Are you a member of the press? Read our press release!),
- showing up! (Don't forget to add KinkForAll San Francisco to your calendar!)
Read through WhatToExpect to learn more about what a KinkForAll event is like, or watch some videos from past events!
Pre-registration Signup
To participate, press the "Edit" link at the top of this page and add your name as a new row to this table. (If a blank row is not available, place your cursor in the bottom-right most cell and press TAB. Watch a 2 minute video tutorial.) When you're done, be certain to join the mailing list and introduce yourself.
No. | Name (or Pseudonym) | Homepage/URL | Email | Participation (Unorganize, Attend, Present, Help Out?) | Presentation Topic |
1. |
Meitar "maymay" Moscovitz | |
bitetheappleback+kinkforall AT gmail |
Unorganize, present |
"Deviance as Heroism: Empowering People Through Sex Education" OR "Evolution and utilization of telecommunications as a vehicle for societal change" (ala open space technology, the advent of 24/7 community centers ("hackerspaces"), and sexuality information accessibility) |
2. |
E. | | |
Help out, attend, present |
Facilitated discussion, either on the concept of play or about literary concepts of sadism and masochism (and how they're different than "BDSM"). |
3. |
Jon |
jon [at] sfbdsm [d0t] net |
help, attend, present |
lets see what I have up my ... sleeves |
4. |
Sai | (see also |
kinkforall @ saizai |
unorganize, help out, attend |
5. |
Emma | | |
help out, attend, present |
Why I Talk About Sex All The Time - And Why I Think You Should Too!
6. |
Aaron |
aareed @ g mail |
attend, help out, TBD |
7. |
Maria |
mariaseesall at |
unorganize |
8. |
aestetix |
aestetix [at] gmail [dot] com |
unorganize, TBD |
9. |
| |
help out, attend
10. |
James |
voyager640 at gmail dot com |
unorganize |
is wondering what would happen if he tried to run an open space technology ( sub-track within a KinkForAll. Would it be breaking the rules of the unconference? ;-) |
11. |
Mollena Williams |
| |
Present, attend |
12. |
Sarah Dopp!!
sarah [at] sarahdopp [dot] com |
Help out!
Hug Wildly!
"My Gender Broke Your Sexuality Language" (a reading of Genderfork Profiles -- identities, needs, and desires -- and a discussion of what they teach us) |
13. |
Rebecca Reagan |
rsreagan (at) |
Help Out!
Possibly Present!
Relationship Hacking, if at all |
14. |
Alex Peake | |
tacticalcorsets (at) |
Present |
15. |
Mirae Bouyssou |
| |
Attend, help out. |
16. |
Stella |
maledictive {at} |
Assist, attend |
18. |
Dee |
| |
attend? |
19. |
Kahren |
| |
Attend, learn, |
20. |
Ani Niow | |
v (at) |
Attend, learn, unorganise, present? |
Johanna Rothe
Listen, respond, bring mandarins, maybe present
maybe something like this: The Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda: Three thoughts worth stumbling over when one is going to speak about it in the U.S.
epastel (at)
Attend, present, help out
poetry workshop - exploring sm subjectivities
havenwilde (at) gmail (dot) com
attend & present
Dark tantra, CBT, personal transformation thru D/s dynamics
Dana Morrigan
identityTBD (at) gmail (dot) com
make amusing puns under breath
have head explode
D/s, polyamory, gender play
25. |
bannor (at)sonic(dot)net |
Attend and present help where possible
Polyandry,BDSM, disabled sexuality |
present if possible, help as needed
-- Add your name above this line. --
Additional (optional) places to make your interest known
Needs list
Support equipment is still in the process of being organized. Currently, we have need (or want) of the items on the following list. If you are already planning to bring things please list them on the KinkForAllSanFranciscoInventory page.
- FOOD. (Cook something pot-luck style and bring it!)
- Camcorders/handycams/video and audio recording equipment. (Bring your still cameras, too!)
- Your beautiful selves. :)
Location and Directions
KinkForAll San Francisco will be hosted on the 2nd floor of the Women's Building at 3543 18th Street in the Mission. All rooms are wheelchair-accessible.
Public transit
The Women's Building is located centrally in San Francisco, a couple minutes walk from the 16 St. Mission BART station, and the 14, 22, 26, 33, 49 and J Church Metro service.
Limited street parking is available. Additionally, there are 2 city garages each within 3 blocks.
Contact the SF Department of Parking & Traffic for rates.
Map of the area
View Larger Map
This event would not be possible without contributions from participants like you. There are a number of ways you can contribute—only one of them is financial. If you can make or bring any of the things on the needs list, please do so! If you can't but still want to help out, then please consider offering a monetary donation in the amount of your choosing by clicking the "Donate" button, below. We need to raise approximately $900, and whatever you can contribute towards that goal goes a very long way!

Your donation is being routed directly to an unorganizer of this event and will be used for the event itself (see our budget), its promotion, or the promotion of KinkForAll only.
Individual donors choose to contribute their time, money, efforts and/or assistance as a means of expressing their support for the ideals and goals of KinkForAll. To view a current list of individual financial donations so far, see the KinkForAll San Francisco financials Funding sheet.
Comments (1)
maymay said
at 10:16 pm on Nov 5, 2009
James asked: "wondering what would happen if he tried to run an open space technology ( sub-track within a KinkForAll. Would it be breaking the rules of the unconference?"
James, can you define "sub-track"? You're welcome to give a presentation about whatever you like, and if you think that open space technology has a connection to sexuality, then I'd love to hear a presentation about that. However, due to the busy nature of some of these events, if there are people who have not gotten a chance to give a presentation or lead a session yet, I'd encourage you to cede the floor to them and their interests after you give your OST presentation.
See also:
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