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Page history last edited by saraeileen@... 15 years, 1 month ago

This page includes a list of useful things that KinkForAllNewYorkCity participants have that could help fulfill some of the event's stated technical and logistical needs. If you're planning to attend (or can lend the event some stuff anyway), please add your stuff and your name to the list! Please also leave contact details if you've not listed yourself on the pre-registration page.



Equipment List


Stuff that can help the event itself "go."


Electrical power


  • Power strips and extension cords (Maja)
  • whatever power strips I can dig out of the mess. (Zephyr)




  • MacBook Pro—if we don't get anything better, the built-in camera might be able to be used to set up a live stream of the main room? (maymay)
  • headset with microphone (maymay)
  • VGA-to-DVI adapters (4 of them) for those of us who use real computers (Macs ;). (maymay)
  • Small still camera with limited video capability (Maja)
  • iChat camera & my own iBook's built-in microphone (Maja)
  • laptop (I don't have any way to hook it up to a projector, but I could record audio and possibly poor-quality video) (Emily)
  • still camera (Emily)
  • 2 MP3 players with voice recording capabilities (Zephyr)
  • still camera with ability to do a little video (Lolita)

  • Still camera (Sara Eileen)

  • Powerbook - no video capability, but may be able to record audio (Sara Eileen)

  • Eee PC - Limited audio and visual capacity (Sara Eileen)

  • I laptop (a real computer as described by maymay) and usb microphone (unspeakableaxe)

  • Several Webcams (3?) (old and new, the old ones are only supported by Windows, the newer ones are supported by MacOS/FreeBSD/Linux) (Siobhan Phoenix)

  • 12 Track Hard drive recorder/Mixer board - for Audio mastering of classes/recording (Siobhan Phoenix)

  • a small dell optiplex pentium III 1Ghz PC running Windows XP (Siobhan Phoenix)




  • several (3?) ethernet hubs (maymay)
  • Ethernet cables (Emily)
  • Networking gear for WIFI 802.11 a/b/g, provided the venue will provide some form of internet connectivity. (Jason)
  • Small portable, battery operated Amp (PA) with microphone wire.  (am in the process of acquiring a wireless lavalier microphone) (Jason)
  • 802.11g wifi router (I also have a b-only router if anyone cares) (Zephyr)
  • router with cable (Lolita)
  • 3G wireless access card and router (embedded celeron system to route access out the 3G modem) - (Siobhan Phoenix)
  • Assorted network cables, 100BaseTX switches (2 5 port, 1 24 port HP Procurve) - (Siobhan Phoenix)


Miscellaneous Items


  • Nametags (Maja)
  • Sharpies (Maja)
  • 2 loaner PC based laptops with M/S Office installed. (Jason)
  • Copies of Software (MS Office, MS operating systems - legally licensed) (Siobhan Phoenix)


Human needs


Stuff that can help the people at the event not stop.


  • Catered Subway sandwiches for lunch. (MistressYin)
  • Hummus and veggies! (Maja)
  • Cookies! (Megan)
  • Grapes (Lolita)
  • Coffeepot, cups, and fixings (Calico)
  • Baked goods (Calico): probably not enough for everyone, but we'll pretend that is a strategic move to get people to show up on time.

Comments (4)

Siobhan Phoenix said

at 11:34 am on Jul 15, 2009

I have lots of A/V and Computer networking equipment I can donate on a permanent basis to an (un)event like this, if someone doesn't mind providing storage. I am cleaning out (mine and Phoenix Princess's) office, so our roommate can move into it, and I was going to Freecycle a lot of it. I have like 3 monitors (CRT), 14", 17", and 19" - lots of networking gear, a USB TV tuner/composite video input device, a couple extra desktop PCs (old).

saraeileen@... said

at 12:03 pm on Jul 15, 2009


That is AWESOME! Thank you very much! I'm happy to provide some storage for things that can be used on an ongoing basis.

Also, this inventory page is for the last KFANYC. Afraid I don't have time to make a new one for KFANYC2 right now - but I'll do that tonight, and move your additions over to it, if that's okay? Unless someone beats me to it, of course :).


Siobhan Phoenix said

at 2:39 pm on Jul 15, 2009

of course thats ok :)

feel free to add everything I posted here, and I'll also take an inventory of all the stuff I was going to freecycle, and post the specifics.


saraeileen@... said

at 8:22 am on Jul 30, 2009

Please note, everyone, that this is *NOT* the inventory page for KFANYC2. Syd, if you don't mind, I'm going to move your contribution to the inventory page for that event - I assume that is okay?

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