

Page history last edited by maymay 14 years, 3 months ago


Thank you and followups!


KinkForAll New York City 2 is over, but this page and its related pages will continue to evolve.


The event was a lot of fun, with many different presentations. Although the event itself is over, this is just the beginning. Some things to do now are:


  • Upload your photos, slideshows, videos, and other media to the Internet, and write blog posts (don't forget to tag all of these with both KFANYC2 and KINKFORALL).
  • View the event's resulting schedule grid and use it to browse through the available media from the presentations you may have missed.


KinkForAll New York City 2 — Pre-registration Signup


This is the second KinkForAll New York City event, following the success of the inaugural KinkForAll New York City. KinkForAll New York City 2 will take place Saturday August 8th, 11am-6pm (opening communications at 11:30), at the LGBT Center, Room 301 208 West 13th Street, New York.


To participate, please press the "Edit" link at the top of this page and add your name as a new row to this table. (View a video walkthrough.) (If a blank row is not available, place your cursor in the bottom-right most cell and press TAB.) When you're done, be certain to join the mailing list and introduce yourself. If you can't participate in person, you can instead chat about this event, and watch streams from it online.


# Name Homepage/URL Email Address How will you help out? Presentation Topic?
1. Sara Eileen http://saraeileen.com/ saraeileen@gmail.com (un)organize, present "KinkForAll Unorganizing: Applying the BarCamp model to other communities", "Shame vs. Privacy"
2.  JohnBaku  http://fetlife.com  johnbaku@fetlife.com  attend, present   
3.  Meitar "maymay" Moscovitz  http://maybemaimed.com  bitetheappleback AT gmail  present, help out (assist with unorganizing if time permits)  "The Internet, Porn, Minors, and You", "MaleSubmissionArt.com or Why I'm Crowdsourcing My Own Pornography"
4. Viviane http://www.thesexcarnival.com/ viviane212@gmail.com unorganize, food, help out, promote, present Using Wordpress (standalone); sexual privacy and security
5. Wendy Blackheart



Wendy.Blackheart@gmail.com present, bake cookies, whatever else is needed.  We'll see. :)
6. Jack Stratton writingdirty.com jackwritesdirty@gmail.com present, design/printing, help out The effect of anonymity on sex writing on the internet.
7.  Avatar Koo properfilth.com avatarkoo AT properfilth.com present, help out Yellow Fever - The objectification of young female Asians in the West
8. Zephyr boundzephyr.com queerlogic.net zephyr at boundzephyr dot com attend, present, help out probably more on "What Is (Gender/Kink) Identity"
9.  Calico  blog.misscalico.com  misscalico at gmail dot com  unorganize, help out, present  TBD 
10. StacyCat StacyCat.com askafatchick at gmail dot com help, present STIs, Stigma Management, Sexuality Acadmics, Mental Illness and the Scene
11. ammre http://www.ammre.org/blog/ ammre at ammre dot org attend, help uhm... Dunno!
12. Evan http://fetlife.com/Evan15342 evan at zenanvil.com attend, present, assist TBD
13. Pyrate   Silver_Thistle at yahoo dot com

Attend, Present, Help out

How to on corsets
14. Lauren Waddell http://www.twobigmeanies.com lauren at twobigmeanies dot com Attend, present, help out TBD
15. Týr  justalovetap.wordpress.com  romanticrope at gmail dot com  attend, help out, manage time  TBD 
16. Justin http://fetlife.com/users/129351 TrickyPants@gmail.com unorganize, attend, help out I don't know
17. Sascha howmyotherhalflives.wordpress.com saschasotherhalf at gmail dot com Help out, attend, present, whatever you need, really. TBD
18.  Mike  http://fetlife.com/bostonpup  straypup@gmail.com  attend, help out   
19. Kimmie http://www.bluestockings.com kimmie@bluestockings.com attend, present, help out TBD - Avatar & I are cookin' something up!
20.  Seth F.    sethpfr@yahoo.com  present, help out  The language of the kinky community when it helps and when it hurts 
21. Gary http://fetlife.com/users/172906 sweetboyNYC2@yahoo.com attend, present, help out male submission, spanking
22. Desiree www.baserinstincts.com gotmoodie@gmail.com attend, present, help out, food holistic sexual health and libido,  cooking with "aphodisiac" ingredients
23. Kala Pierson http://unfurl.org k@unfurl.org help unorganize, attend if not traveling connections among sexuality, intense sensation, and creativity / creative work
24. Siobhan Phoenix http://leatherphoenix.info trish@leatherphoenix.info help, attend, present, (un)organize, technical help (3G/wifi setup/access - I can donate some bandwidth if need be via 3G card and portable FreeBSD router, donate embedded PC box) Disability Adaptive Kink, Psych of Humiliation, Master/slavery protocols and forms of practice. Gender Adaptive Kink - whatever people may want/like off my site.
25. Lola Dean www.femmefamily.com xxpinkypunkyxx at gmail dot com attend, participate, bake, look fabulous  
26.  Dig    dig dot ronmark at gmail dot com  attend   
27. Phoenix Princess http://leatherphoenix.info phoenixstar921@yahoo.com attend, present same as Siobhan Phoenix
28.  Zac  http://clockstonestudios.com  zacmakes@gmail.com  attend, present, help out Aesthetics of Kink, Hardware F.A.Q.
29.   Helio  http://followsthesun.com  heliotrope@followsthesun.com  attend, present, help out, unorganize 

Purity is Pointless: On Refusing Self-Identification, You Can Do It: A Complete Luddite's Guide to Sex and the Internet

30. Tyr http://justalovetap.wordpress.com romanticrope@gmail.com

attend, present, help out,

31. Sexorcism http://sexorcism.blogspot.com sexorcism@gmail.com attend, help out  
32. Ai  http://littleblackdress.livejournal.com  littleblackdress@siniful.com  (un)organize, food   
33. JC Stark-Arts http://www.stark-arts.com jc@stark-arts.com attend,present The Chest Harness (or how 90% of Shibari can be learned with this one tie)
34. Sebastian    RiggerSebastian@gmail.com  attend   
35. Maja  http//squealsofdelight.wordpress.com  squealandyelp@gmail.com  attend, unorganize, help out, combobulate   
36. Syd   Sydspy26@Gmail.com Attend, help out, food  
37. Axe  http://unspeakableaxe.com  unspeakableaxe@gmail.com  Attend and bring audio recording equipment. I can bring a mic at the very least.   I may not be able to physically record anything.   
38. Kytherea www.thefungeon.com kytherea@gmail.com attend, present, help out, unorganize  Gorean Service, positions and etiquette .. here on Urth that is...
39. Aliya www.mistressaliya.com mistressaliya@yahoo.com attend, organize, help out  
40. Lulu http://modellulu.blogspot.com/
model.lulu@gmail.com attend, help out, present Poetry
41. Sam Benjamin http://ivyleaguepornographer.com sam@ivyleaguepornographer.com press flesh, present The Music of 1980's Pornography, and How it Shaped The Aerobicized Body
42. Jimbass http://fetlife.com/users/121486   attend  
43. Adrian  http://isaacsapphire.livejournal.com/ IsaacSapphire at gmaildot com Attend, help out, bring a few things, present

Slash fiction: amateur erotica as a response to the celluloid closet and the marginalization of women's sexuality

44. Theresa    sisterray79@yahoo.com  Attend, help out  


46. Lauren   lstern89@gmail.com attend, help out  
47. John   sky.blue.pond at gmail

attend, help, bring things

48. Dante   something.black12@gmail.com attend, food, organize  
49. Audacia Ray http://audaciaray.com dacia@wakingvixen.com attend, present, video speakers, tweet obsessively  
50. Henry Chichele http://liarcheatadulterer.blogspot.com hc1440@yahoo.com Present, be present, bring presents  
51. Nikolas Coukouma http://twitter.com/nikolasco atrus@atrus.org attend, help out TBD
53. Chris!  http://fetlife.com/users/49130    attend, hopefully present  Theories of masculinity
54. Eric Wunderman   wunderman@iwon.com attend, present, set up, tear down, spontaneously do the wrong thing whenever needed Read erotic poem
55. Jack Teagarden   profanetheater@gmail.com present?, food, help out  


57. Lady Kat http://fetlife.com/users/131876   help out/help SPhoenix Helping SPhoenix in lieu of Phoenix Princess (if PPS cannot make it) 
58. Tilda http://fuckalovestory.blogspot.com/ tildaofbrooklyn@gmail.com

attend, help

59. Gabriel   bananasinorbit@fetlife.com attend, help out, can bring snacks  
60. Patrick http://fetlife.com/users/41173 Tralfalmad@aol.com bringing a camera whatever needs doing
61.  Essence Alexander  www.facebook.com/essencerevealed  essencealexander@gmail.com  attend, present, be a really supportive audience  read from my one woman show about stripping Essence Revealed 

-- Add your name above this line. --


Additional places to show your interest



Location and Directions


We're being graciously hosted by the fine folks at the LGBT Community Center, located at 208 West 13th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues in Manhattan's West Village. We'll have a large, divided space giving us enough room for dozens upon dozens of 20-minute presentation slots to fill the day with.


The Center is easily accessible using the following public transportation options:


  • Subway:
    • Take the 1, 2, or 3 trains to the 14th Street station (exit at 7th Avenue)
    • Take the A, C, E, or L trains to the 14th Street station (exit at 8th Avenue)
    • Take the F or V trains to the 14th Street station (exit at 6th Avenue)
  • New Jersey PATH:
    • Take the PATH to the 14th Street station (exit at 6th Avenue)
  • MTA Busses:
    • Take the M14 to either the 7th or 8th Avenue bus stops, walk one block South to 13th Street.


Map of the area


Use the following map of the area near and around the LGBT Center to help find your way.



Needs list


Support equipment is still in the process of being organized. Currently, we have need (or want) of the items on the following list. If you are participating and/or are able and willing to lend us a hand, we'd very much appreciate it. Offer your help by sending email to the mailing list so that we can coordinate getting things done together. If you are already planning to bring things please list them on the KinkForAll New York City 2 Inventory page.


  • Camcorders/handycams/video and audio recording equipment. (Bring your still cameras, too!)
  • A projector that can be attached to laptop/notebook computers
  • Wireless Internet access equipment to provide free Wi-Fi (if the venue cannot provide free Wi-Fi on its own)
    • 3G/WiMax cards
    • Wireless WAN routers, etc. 
  • Butcher paper or other large paper on which to create a schedule grid.
  • Whiteboards/flip-boards or other presentation accessory materials of the sort.
  • Buttons/t-shirts/bumper stickers, or other inexpensive-to-create and free-for-participants shwag?
  • Food and drink.




This event would not be possible without contributions from participants like you. There are a number of ways you can contribute—only one of them is financial. If you can make or bring any of the things on the needs list, please do so! If you can't but still want to help out, then please consider offering a monetary donation in the amount of your choosing by clicking the "Donate" link, below. Even as little as $5 goes a very long way towards helping us hold a better event.


Donate to KinkForAll New York City 2 via Paypal


Your donation is being routed directly to an unorganizer of this event and will be used for the event itself, its promotion, or the promotion of KinkForAll only.


Individual donors choose to contribute their time, money, efforts and/or assistance as a means of expressing their support for the ideals and goals of KinkForAll. To view a current list of individual financial donations so far, see the KinkForAll New York City 2 financials Funding sheet.


Comments (2)

maymay said

at 10:32 pm on Jul 19, 2009

There was a sign up for a "Sebastian" on the KinkForAllNewYorkCity page that was obviously intended for this page. I've moved that registration here, instead, and alerted Sebastian via private email that his registration was moved to this page. People promoting this event should be mindful to make sure people unfamiliar with KinkForAll are being routed to the KFANYC2 page, heavy emphasis on the "2". Thanks.

TrickyPants said

at 8:16 pm on Jul 23, 2009

Dammit! I have to go to a wedding on that day! :(((((

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