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Page history last edited by maymay 13 years, 10 months ago

A step-by-step guide (more StepByStepGuides) to get you started participating in KinkForAll events with other people.


  1. First, create a wiki account. This wiki is the main website, and is completely editable by participants. (Learn more about UsingTheKinkForAllWiki).
  2. Add your chosen name and, optionally, any other information to the main page of the event(s) you would like to attend in the pre-registration table, if they already exist.
  3. Join the KinkForAll mailing list, and introduce yourself.
  4. Participate in the coordination and discussion leading up to the event. (Learn more about HowToParticipate.)
  5. Connect with other participants through the mailing list and through any other channels you would like to.
  6. Become familiar with WhatToExpect and TheRulesOfKinkForAll.
  7. Plan your session topic. Or not, if you’d rather wing it.
  8. Attend, participate, and create a great event!
  9. Document your experience and presentation online for future participants to learn from.



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