A step-by-step guide (more StepByStepGuides) to get you started participating in KinkForAll events with other people.
- First, create a wiki account. This wiki is the main website, and is completely editable by participants. (Learn more about UsingTheKinkForAllWiki).
- Add your chosen name and, optionally, any other information to the main page of the event(s) you would like to attend in the pre-registration table, if they already exist.
- Join the KinkForAll mailing list, and introduce yourself.
- Participate in the coordination and discussion leading up to the event. (Learn more about HowToParticipate.)
- Connect with other participants through the mailing list and through any other channels you would like to.
- Become familiar with WhatToExpect and TheRulesOfKinkForAll.
- Plan your session topic. Or not, if you’d rather wing it.
- Attend, participate, and create a great event!
- Document your experience and presentation online for future participants to learn from.
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